
...I believe that meditation and healthy food are an essential human experience and should be freedom to learn too................................ Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-science-fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-religion-Language-math-mind-universe-meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food...this is good health and life. All give us be Oneness. I will try to understand you and everybody around the world................ WE ALL ARE FRIENDSHIP......Truth me

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Asmita Pressure Mindfulness Technics

Body and Mind Phenomena of Buddhistic Smadhi

...predicate information about Asmita Pressure Mindfulness; 


You have to do 2 parts of Asmita practicing....

Part1 -- The holding a breath or "Asmita" (Asmita Pressure Mindfulness) practicing.
1.1) Stand upright, Stretched out your arms to the side a little, fully open both hands but keep fingers straight and tight together. Legs close together or has a bit of gap for body-balancing. Breath out (exhale) fully and deeply. Hold your breath, then contract your lower body (abdomen) firmly follow with your chest to press the last air volume of the lungs spreading out of it to fulfill your shoulders, arms, legs and whole of your body. Then shakily jump on tiptoes like rope-skipping and start counting those jumps from 1 to 15 at the beginning (and then gradually expand to 20-30 after the practice was already skillfully). This step is called "Pas-sa-so; ปัสสาโส". 
1.2) Stand still, still holding your breath, Make both hands a fist and lift both lower-arms parallel with the ground. Throw both shoulders to the front to maximize your lung volume then inhale deeply, take as much the air volume as you can. Hold your breath, then contract your abdomen firmly follow with your chest and then shakily jump on tiptoes like rope-skipping. Counting your skipping from 1 to 25 at the beginning and then gradually expand to 30-50 after the practice was already skillfully. This step is called "As-sa-so; อัสสาโส". Always do your skipping of Assaso 10 counts more than Passaso step
Do these 2 step continuously. It's one set of Asmita Pressure Mindfulness practicing. Do these 2-5 set in the morning then repeat equal sets in the dusk.
--End of Part 1

Part2 -- Self healing for any of body injured
2.1) Find area that has fix natural wind direction and comfort for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                  2.2) Lie-down on the floor. Head-feet in same direction of the wind. Set your body posture the same as Passaso step (1.1) feet close together and hold it upright.
2.3) Deeply breathing but slow - smooth - fully out - fully in, as neat as you can.
Do this part as long as you prefer, and as often as you have time to heal yourself. If you do this part right you will feel better immediately. If not, swap your head-feet direction to opposite with the wind.
--End of Part 2--