
...I believe that meditation and healthy food are an essential human experience and should be freedom to learn too................................ Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-science-fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-religion-Language-math-mind-universe-meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food...this is good health and life. All give us be Oneness. I will try to understand you and everybody around the world................ WE ALL ARE FRIENDSHIP......Truth me

Thursday, July 31, 2014

๒๓.Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-Science-Fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-Religion-Language-Math-Mind-Universe-Meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food=Good Life Health.


* My Thai Cartoon In My Old History And History Of Siam Buddha. *











* Copyright mareepnnag yakkhanugann

*** Mareep posted to Atthanij Pokkasap 11 hours ago. 

Historical evidence from the gun fire and the document is a record of the magic that protects Mhaaud clear that the army of the Kingdom of Siam to the west, western firearms. And the success story goes west to fight with the "prestigious" ... 

Kosa Pan ... So I take these sorcerer. One of the company to show in Paris ... It is true that the French did not dare to attack colonialism in Asia. Over four generations .... The French terminal at five Cœdès is to destroy the Siamese course is discarded. A new analysis of history's greatest ... 

Mareep    textbooks society, but it's me ... a history book of fiction for fun ... it also cut this album at all ... of the Society of Children's Oneida now be heard. well ... .. 

Atthanij Pokkasap    it as ignorant superstition it. But it is not magic ... Theravada Hinayana.. Bullshit ... well ... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    Thailand, people also worship. Cloth tied it uncontrollably ... but they do have a few ignorant people.. Minority though. Stubborn hard to take it to the instructor that it was censured ignorant behavior ... it ... 
Hebei Rong anyway, I had read that the military is yes, then let stand deploy French troops shot. 

Mareep   recorded images that were mentioned in it somewhat in the background ... there is no mention at all of you ... 

Hebei Rong anyway    I never heard it again. But the fact that occult exams are dotted with so many people from past to present Thailand Thailand because superstition into this. I read that 60 soldiers who brought you the exposed breakout hit Myanmar. Are there subjects them invulnerable It is important to know that the true liberator of them. I'm just reading through it a long time ago. But nevertheless we have a good pan will not wear it. 

Mareep   it ... interesting in the sense that it is the oddball of the collision events of ancient civilizations, we need to pass the knowledge to serve as a base to go to the mental development of a moral society together. fair share in accordance with the nature of the universe ... that Buddhism is found in its entirety and provide a summary ... 

Hebei Rong anyway    I read many Buddhist saint soon. You will have a variety of defenses. To revive the spirit of the suppressed invulnerable Oh my, I'm still wondering why the persons I have trained these subjects at why. It seems to be based on it. 

Mareep   see some that are like that, but ... that it is a faith, we have studied or read through our memory ... it challenges conventional thinking in every aspect of it ... but it is. agree that the elusive and hard to reach ... no middle way for those looking to practice or who are practicing with that ... 

Mareep   one last look in the past led the Tigers celebrated a ... said that he had a bitter clash with the magic Jomtien Khun Phan to come to be accepted ... because I have the same stuff. the amulet ... has come out ... now you are measuring in the Constitution itself ... finished off with a doctorate ... I do not know ...... the Tigers become the teacher I know. or not ... I repeated it ... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    whole life ... I know just Venerable Preceptor Associate Dean Chiang Mai was 30 years ago ... it's a temple Venerable sanpakhoi. A former friend of a thief Pruckysickity father (my coral Sit) and then win the final of the Masters, he had little squabble ... I Buddhadasa Bhikkhu addition. I know of But now is the living I invited a guest Guest Lanka, India, the Germans, the Chinese prayers choir is well established that era ... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    that the playing of it.. Stay at the hotel reception. I used to advertise your business ... You ..... Pupil 

Atthanij Pokkasap    know me. Never slap a black hermit Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. Hit.. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu berated chasing a pig & Dog ... 555. And this, then I know it is tough ... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    who wrote the monk who became a saint is Siddha Chetawan it past the fire is believed that the religious institutions to seek sanctuary as the pundits wrote to them on the death was quiet and frustrated. Oops.. Know it was me ... I pity you .... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    former fiction writer-boot. The publisher Ploenchit glory (Jade Dragon) ... Gangster 10 wheels first ... 

Mareep   not be presumptuous to say that it's lay wholly spurious !!!!!! ... 

Atthanij Pokkasap    ... I ... I was not aware this is difficult to do that ....

Sunday, July 20, 2014

๒๒.Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-Science-Fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-Religion-Language-Math-Mind-Universe-Meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food=Good Life Health.

*** Position of the mental Ancient called line (Sen) point (Bindu).
by naga snake guarding the biblical sense peculiar spin loti on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 5:31 pm.

Center of the line (Nabhi) and air (Prana), divided into lines and 72000 lines of 10 lines.

The 72000 line (left) and the Chairman of the 10 lines (right), President of the beginning of the line. 72000 lines in the human body
Department of Mental Physiology (Psychophysiologic) is the subject of the relationship between body and mind. The knowledge in this course is.

1 lines (Sen) is a "gap (Na Ti / Nadi)" that connect the various levels of the human mind (there are 4 levels of Beta / Alpha / Theta / Delta) was obtained from nature. And training the right way (mostly from training properly) Nativa is connected discrete tubular with water trapped inside the interval. But the line is connected to a continuous water flow through the tube is not jammed.

2 wind (Pran / Prana) breath of life (electrocardiogram Chemistry - Biology in the body) caused by the training of body and mind are interrelated through the use of conscious breath control - the power of the breath in practice. high standard In the world called "miracle" and the minimum standard. The "magic power" to travel through respiration (Nativa) is the meat of the line.

3 points (dot / Bindu) is the location of the terminal. Both the start and end points of the line. The breath connects dot cycles between source and destination.

4. central equilibrium line (Navel / Nabhi) of the lines of the 10 line 3 line is a line that is centered on the navel (cooling element) / Ping class. Navel (heating element) / Chinese Consulate in Bologna. Navel (medium rare) on Friday in the bowels of a vacuum control Itachi bowels and bowels Ping class only.

Atthanij Pokkasap     me here..'s Plan, cut out Thailand wormhole space, the connection between the physical body and mind ... a wormhole in the space environment, for example. Hold the stars in the universe and into the great universe. Trai Phum Phra Ruang to read the animal. Hell to hell to read nearby galaxies (Andromeda) new look. I do not know, they should know that it's not an unmitigated good. Shame .... I was a Buddhist.

Siton     I want to see a diagram wormhole

Atthanij Pokkasap     normal day, no wormhole connection between the physical body and mind in it. Lack of unity of mind and physical body is the root of all modern diseases. The brain structures that distorted the truth of nature, in the nature of society and the natural environment, say.. Know that.. Religion is what ..

Atthanij Pokkasap     want to see it.. Practice self. To break through the wormhole choppy chipped meat from distortion of current knowledge..'s Start with my intention ... to breathe ... to organize themselves within the spirit of the new (at the Gregorian in mind. Lucky me sailor moon called the moon the motto in mind that during the time they can support the development of glass among the amino acids of the protein in the body ....

Atthanij Pokkasap     amino acids among larger groups of amino acids glow in space called Buddhism. "A light Brahma" and so I believe that. People come from ... With extraterrestrial.

Atthanij Pokkasap     Sun Shining light was nervous the six sense doors (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind) of carnality. Limited space is overwhelming, and the body of an animal person ... until then, there's enormous size in the space ... various Chiwitintriis clusters. Big Tim was also a visionary of the galaxy (galaxy) ...

Mareep    wormhole space anchored stars in the universe compared to the gap in the body of an animal or person's Ka ... lines or wormhole space that is compatible with the preferred time again my professor. , ...

Atthanij Pokkasap     way to shift military draft was going to be ... the 3 provinces. Border ... I like that right. I stepped on a landmine and was shot exactly like me ...