
...I believe that meditation and healthy food are an essential human experience and should be freedom to learn too................................ Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-science-fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-religion-Language-math-mind-universe-meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food...this is good health and life. All give us be Oneness. I will try to understand you and everybody around the world................ WE ALL ARE FRIENDSHIP......Truth me

Friday, December 28, 2018

A comparison Sen Prathan Sib theory with Nadis (energy lines or paths)

* A comparison Sen Prathan Sib theory with Nadis (energy lines or paths)
of yoga shows that both of them have some similarities such as the belief in the routes of wind element
(air element),
the number of routes or lines (totaling 72,000),
and three lines of Sen Prathan Sib and three lines of Nadis having the same names (i.e. Ida, Pingala, Sushumna).
The main path of Ida in Thai massage is on the left side of the body and Pingala is on the right side,
while the Nadi Ida and Nadi Pingala cross each other on the left and right sides of the body.
Moreover, the wind line of Ida in Thai massage and Nadi Ida are the same (wind of the moon);
and the wind of Pingala in Thai massage and Nadi Pingala are the same (wind of the sun).
The main paths of Sushumna in Thai massage and Nadi Sushumna are in the midline of the body.

* Ida nadi relates to the right side of the brain, and the left side of the body, terminating at the left nostril.
Pingala nadi relates to the left side of the brain and the right side of the body, terminating at the right nostril.
Sushumna nadi connects the base chakra at the base of the spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head.
The practice of pranayama can be used to balance the flow of prana within the body.
When prana vayu enters a period of uplifted, intensified activity, the yogic tradition refers to it as pranotthana,
a precursor to the Kundalini state.

* Sen Prathan Sib (Biochemical-Electromagnetic wave (line, thai; Sen)) namely,
1. Ida
2. Pingala
3. Sushumna
4. Gandhari
5. Hastijiva
6. Pusa
7. Yasasvini
8. Alambusa
9. Kuhuh
10. Samkhini

** Prana is often referred to as the "life force" or "life energy", flowing in channels called Nadi (Nadis)
which are a term for the channels through which, in traditional Veda medicine,
Thai-Siam massage and spiritual science, the energies of the physical body, the subtle body and the causal body are said to flow.
Within this philosophical framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity called nadichakras.
The concepts of a subtle body and a causal body are not recognised terms used in conventional science or medicine.

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