
...I believe that meditation and healthy food are an essential human experience and should be freedom to learn too................................ Buddha-Dharma-Sangha-science-fiction-MuayThai-History-Astrology-Superstition-religion-Language-math-mind-universe-meditation-Yoga-Music-Art-Agricuture-Herb-Food...this is good health and life. All give us be Oneness. I will try to understand you and everybody around the world................ WE ALL ARE FRIENDSHIP......Truth me

Friday, December 28, 2018

The procedure of preparation before practice "Asamita"

The procedure of preparation before practice "Asamita" or holding a breath (Asmita Pressure Mindfulness) as follows :

1.Recommended to compress your bottom (part of body between vagina and anusas) as firmly as possible.

2.Stand, Knees shoulder width apart and slightly bent, Throw out your chest and keep low back flat,
Broaden (expand or widen ) your shoulders with breathing out fully long and sensitive to the entire body.

3.At the utmost of your expiration, your belly (abdominal surface or abdominal wallis)
is very tight until you can notice that they look like wavy lines (row) All of the results must be in line with your naturally body.
Your belly will get very much esspecially tight if you correctly do according to abovementioned exercise 1-3.

First, you have to hold your breath,
next, puff out your chest to the full then confine it within your chest as long as possible together
with shakily jumping on tiptoes like skipping.
If you follow this sequence ...
There will not be any problems for normal body ...
there is only increasing your mind and body more and more efficiency..

But if not ...
your body may swing and be off-balance at last.
The additional technique for increasing in efficiency by weight training.

To train with 2 dumbbells ; 8 kg. for each hand (my teacher use them.)
make the air (wind) pumped and spreaded throughout your body more powerfully and efficiently than just training with free-handed,
representing a three-fold increase of practice to confine (retain or hold) the air (wind; your breath) in medium up to higher (high resolution)

The effectiveness of this technique make you feel your hands and arms be very light as a feather but having higher centrifugal force,
stillness, firmness, durability and endurance.

According to the purpose, The air density in your muscles wii be vastly more steady than training with free-handed,
it is fulled body in normal times by normal breathing. Your muscles and ligaments (tendon)
throughout the body will be powerful and firmly stability until you feel be fresh, clear-headed, bright,
be well-informed and active more than ever.

To use the dumbbells for weight in shaking jump...
for who has experienced a deep breath and a lot of hard work before..after quitting it a long time
...like high quality system of reinforced concrete to increase weight by shaking in order to tighten concrete.

If you have a problem about confining the breath, and can not change your psychosomatic performance for the better.

... May be able to add weight to compress the air into the body with using dumbbells convenient for your body.
But not necessarily to use the dumbbells, may be anything has so much weight instead of them (much or less upon yourself).
But before that, recommend you should practice in basic with bare fist before you will choose to use the weight later, it does not matter.

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